Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

The Most Popular of Social Media is Facebook
            There are many medias in this world such as electronic media, mass media, social media and print media. Social media is one of media that gives information for the people. We can create an account of social media by using email or phone number. There are may kinds of social media; for example, facebook, twitter, blogger, friendster, wechat, whatsApp, yahoo messenger, etc. People usually use social media to communicate with other people around them; besides, they can know people in another country.
          Facebook is one of social media that the most popular than other. We can get more advantages from facebook, but we can also get negative efect from it.

On facebook we can create our account by adding profile photo and several informations about us; also, we can add new friend. We will have friends by using facebook, so we know another people whom we can’t know before. We can promote our product on facebook; as a result, our product are sold, and we get profit from them.
We must use facebook to improve our education; others use it, too . As the student of university, we can use facebook as discussion facility; therefore, our education will be better. GOOD ACTION will be GOOD PRODUCT.                                                                                                                                                                         

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Example Of Simple Tenses

Special Pudding Cake
Last Sunday, my friends and I wanted to make something. We were very hungry. I gave an idea to my friends how about made a special pudding cake. All of them agreed with my idea and collected some money to buy materials of pudding cake. 
Novita and I went to the market. We bought a gelatine powder, an instant coconut milk, a kilogram of sugar, and some strawberries. I paid them and came back to my boarding house. Novita drove the motorcycle carefully. After that, we arrived at our boarding house. Novita and I brought the materials and gave them to my friends.
As soon as, Dilla and Puspa boiled a pot of water. Novita and I washed the strawberry and cut all of them. The water was boiling at five minutes later. We put a gelatine powder, sugar, and instant coconut milk  into the pot. I mixed all of them. Seven minutes later, our cook was well-done and I put it on the boil. We put and some slice of strawberry. We put it on the refrigerator and waited it harden. Finally, we ate our special pudding cake after an hour later. The pudding's taste was delicious. GOOD COOKING.

Fan Boys (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)

Compound Sentences with Coordinators
There are seven coordinators, which are also called coordinating conjunctions. You can remember them by the phrase FAN BOYS.
          The following are examples of compound sentences with coordinators :
  1. Education is the most important thing in our life, for it makes our life better than before.
  2. The Lecturers always speaks about education in Indonesia, and they speak clearly to their students.
  3. Most of Indonesian people know that education is important thing, nor do they continue their education in high level.
  4. Education is not just for children, but it is for everyone.
  5. The students can study in the formal education department, or they study in non formal department such as home schooling.
  6. The government has improved our education, yet we don’t response about that.
  7. Indonesian’s education on low level of the world, so we must study hard again.